

Skilled Business Litigation Attorneys Help Resolve Disputes – Dependable legal counsel for your business challenges

A dispute with a partner, contractor or client can drastically impact small or medium-sized business. Whether disputes involve an individual or another business entity, the methods of resolution often entail pursuing arbitration or mediation. When such negotiations are unsuccessful, you may need to defend yourself and your company through business litigation. The most common types of business litigation are:

Infringement of Intellectual Property

These are often patent, trademark or copyright, in which an individual or entity infringes on your protected mark or property.

  • Contract Disputes: When the language in a business contract is open to interpretation for example, in the case of breach of contract, which is the alleged failure to honor a contract’s terms.

  • Consumer Litigation: When consumers assert claims against warranties or defective products.

  • Financial Services: When clients who have experienced a financial loss claim that an investment or financial company has acted unethically or not in the client’s best interests.

  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty: When a company’s partners or shareholders accuse other parties of not fulfilling their obligations to operate in good faith and loyalty.

  • Insurance Disputes: When a business owner is denied an insurance claim and files a lawsuit on the basis of unclearly worded contracts to recover losses.

  • Class Actions: When more than one complainant is involved in a lawsuit against an individual or entity.


